The FDA and the Regulation of Healthcare Interventions
This Spotlight Session on the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration), a supplemental video for the online course Understanding Evidence-Based Healthcare: A Foundation for Action, has been created by Consumers United for Evidence-based Healthcare (CUE). It is designed to help consumer advocates understand the history of drug regulation and the fundamentals of how drugs are approved in the US.
Course Objectives: Our goals in these videos are to:
- Provide a brief history of drug development regulation in the US,
- Define the roles, scopes, and functions of the FDA, and
- Illustrate the FDA approval process using a real-life example.
Click here to watch on YouTube
This course was funded in part by:
- A conference grant (#R13 HS13368) from The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (K. Dickersin, Principal Investigator)
- Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
- Kay Dickersin – Project concept, initial module framework, content oversight, feedback and revision
- Musa Mayer – Primary developer of individual modules and script, lecturer
- Kristina Lindsley – Project coordination, preparation of presentation and evaluation materials
Developers: Kay Dickersin, Musa Mayer